In-house training courses

Training for managers and sales forces

Several training projects created and delivered by a human resources development consultancy. Each customized training course is delivered over several modules, and each module includes the trainer's presentation and various teaching aids (videos, case studies, infographics, fact sheets, etc.).

The projects, of around 30,000 words each, are post-edited. Beforehand, the agency carries out pre-editing work to optimize the results of machine translation (work on document structure to facilitate machine reading, addition of translation memories).

Post-publishing is justified by the volumes to be translated and the internal destination of the documentation. Translation memories make it possible to find terms specific to each company and ensure consistency throughout the various projects. 

Information and instructions must be clearly expressed, without any particular stylistic effort other than adaptation to the medium and space constraints (video subtitles, powerpoint presentations, diagrams, tables, computer graphics, etc.).


Multilingual projects

Fluent in English and Spanish

DATE: 2022-2023


CATEGORY: human resources | in-house training

SUB-CATEGORIES: sales | management

Site design and referencing by Simplébo